Damage to the spine can change your entire life, and whoever caused your injury must be held legally accountable for what they’ve done. Contact a Phoenix spine damage attorney with the Law Offices of Michael Cordova to begin working on an injury claim.
One of the most serious injuries a person can sustain in an accident is a spine injury. Injuries such as these can lead to permanent paralysis, extensive physical pain, and debilitating losses. You might be unable to work again, and your life enjoyment could be significantly hindered.
Working with a Phoenix spinal injury lawyer could help you to receive a financial settlement for the injury you sustained and losses you’re now faced with. Your attorney will fight to see that the person who caused your injury is brought to justice and you receive the money you need to move forward with your life.
Damage to the spinal column is often caused by forceful impact to the spine. The bundle of nerves in the spine carries information from the brain to the rest of your body. When these nerves are severed or damaged, you could be paralyzed from the damaged area down through the lower parts of your body.
Many different types of accidents can cause this type of damage, such as car accidents, falls, crushing accidents, assault, motorcycle crashes, sports injuries, and truck wrecks.
No matter what type of accident you were injured in, if someone else caused your injury, they can be made to compensate you for your losses and suffering. A Phoenix spinal damage lawyer can assist you in winning an injury settlement.
You are already fully aware of the tremendous suffering a spine injury can cause. You are likely suffering with pain from the injury and mental trauma related to the accident and aftermath.
You might not be able to work, which means you won’t be able to provide financially for yourself or your family. You could also be faced with medical bills you can’t afford.
You deserve to receive a full settlement to pay for all the financial losses you’ve suffered as well as for the emotional and mental trauma you’ve endured.
Your Phoenix spine injury attorney at our firm can help you to secure a settlement to pay for all that you’ve suffered. Your claim can also serve to hold the person who caused your accident accountable. In addition, your claim may protect others from being injured in the same way you were.
Your spinal injury has probably negatively affected your life in many ways. You could be dealing with intense pain, expensive medical bills, and your injury could be permanent. The person responsible for causing you this serious injury must be held accountable for what they’ve done.
Filing a claim might be the only way to receive justice and financial reimbursement for your injury. Get in contact with a Phoenix spinal injury lawyer today. A free case evaluation is offered to those who reach out to the Law Offices of Michael Cordova. Call 602-265-6700 or complete and send in the online contact form down below.
Law Offices of Michael Cordova
1700 N 7th St #1, Phoenix, AZ 85006
Phone: 602-265-6700
Hours: Mon - Thurs 8AM - 6PM; Fri 8AM - 5PM